CSS for Professional Writers: Introduction

Part II: Cascading Style Sheets

Intro Poster

We use Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to tell an Internet Browser how to style and display the contents of a Webpage.

We also use CSS to build a consistent page layout for our Website's and prepare our Website's to be viewed on mobile technologies.

Without CSS, our Website's would be nothing more than black text on a white background.

Part II: Overview

This section of the textbook explains how to style a webpage's content and layout. Specifically, students learn how to create CSS style definitions, Cascading Style Sheets, and CSS webpage layouts.


Part II of the Textbook contains the following chapters:

  1. What is CSS? - Provides an introduction to CSS and how to use it in an HTML document (Includes: An overview of style definitions, three ways to use CSS, Ids and Classes, and color)
  2. Basic CSS - Explains how to style page elements (Including: Text, Links, Objects, Images, and Backgrounds)
  3. Advanced CSS - Guides students through the process of using CSS to build an entire mobile-ready website

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